
Our Mission

Create a community for international medical graduates.

As international medical graduates (IMGs) who have matched in competitive residencies in the United States, we realized that there is a lack of an integrated network and transparent, readily available information specifically for IMGs.

Coming from different backgrounds, each of us had to face unique obstacles dealt through trial and error, especially in comparison to the traditional US applicant. It was readily apparent that each of us would have immensely benefited from centralized source to refer to, as well as advisors to help in planning our individualized game plans from the beginning.

We believe that the foundation for an IMG applicant to succeed extends beyond exam scores and consists of mentorship, research, and clinical experience, of which the former is often difficult to attain. To this end, we have developed an open network for IMGs to direct questions to other IMGs who have matched and also established a range of consultancy services for those who seek a tailored approach to the residency match.

Our team consists of not only IMGs who have matched, but also Program Directors, experts in research, and contacts abroad. With team members and partners in place at all levels of training and education, we are uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive information and advice.